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A New Homeowner's Guide To Pest Control In Denver

Buying a new home is exciting and a little nerve-wracking. From actually finding “the” home at the right price in today’s housing market, to financing, to actually moving in -there’s so much to consider and so many items to check off the list. It’s such a busy time that you may not even catch your breath until you’re sitting in the middle of the living room with boxes stacked up all around you. And then you notice ants crawling across the floor or maybe a spider constructing a web and realize that you never gave pest control a thought (don’t worry, most people don’t and especially not first-time homeowners). It’s not exactly a high-priority item during the home buying process but make no mistake, it’s a necessity. With that in mind and because we want your biggest investment to get the protection it needs right from the get-go, we’re here to bring you up to speed on common household pests in Denver, how to keep them out of your home, and what to do if they’ve already infested your new digs.

new homeowners hugging in their denver home

Common house-infesting pests in Denver and surrounding communities

Unfortunately, pest problems can catch you by surprise if you’re not sure what insects and rodents to be on the lookout for or where to look for them. In the Denver metro, some of the most house-infesting pests include:

Please keep in mind these are not the only pests that pop up inside Colorado homes, they’re just a few of the more notable ones.

Pest problems should not be ignored

If you’ve spotted insects or rodents in or around your home, don’t dismiss them out of hand. While some are mainly nuisance pests, others damage property and can even introduce illness.

For example, carpenter ants chew through wood in order to create nesting galleries. If said wood happens to be a wall, a support beam, or perhaps a window frame, the resulting damage will need to be fixed.

Another common problem that can cause serious issues is rodents. Mice and rats contaminate food and areas where food is prepped. They chew through electrical wires, attic insulation, building materials, and belongings. They also go to the bathroom wherever they want – which is not only disgusting but creates health risks.

A few home pest prevention tips

To keep pests out of your home, our Denver pest control pros recommend the following pest prevention tips:

  • Keep your grass trimmed and your yard well-maintained
  • Make sure your gutters are clear of clogs and downspouts divert water away from the foundation
  • Keep the inside of your home clean and as free of clutter as possible
  • Keep your home dry by running dehumidifiers, repairing leaks, and replacing water damaged wood
  • Seal all potential entry points on the exterior of the home with caulking, steel wool, and other pest-proof material
  • Repair or replace torn window screens

Pest problems should be addressed right away

Burying your head in the proverbial sand might sound like a good idea with everything you have going but trust us when it comes to infestations, it’ll only cause more headaches down the road. If you find your new home came with uninvited houseguests, consider hiring a pest control company.

For home pest control in Denver, contact EnviroPest today!    

As one of Colorado’s oldest pest control companies, we can confidently say we know pests. More than that, we know how to get rid of them. If you’re looking for a Denver pest control company to protect your new home, reach out today.

Our Colorado’s Choice Smart Service is a year-round home pest control plan that eliminates and prevents common house-infesting insects and rodents from taking over! 

Colorado's Choice SMART Service

What's included:
  • Year-Round Pest Protection
  • 4 Seasonal Services
  • Covers 30+ Pests
  • Free Re-Treat Service
  • Rodent Control
  • 24/7 Digital Rodent Monitoring
**initial fees may apply

Getting started is easy, simply contact us via phone or fill out our free estimate form and we’ll get you on the schedule!

ant control customer fort morgan


‟Enviropest came to my rescue the next business day after I called and took care of my ant problem lickety-split. They are now on my speed dial.”
Linda P.
Fort Morgan, CO
EnviroPest received an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from 2439 reviews. 4.6 Read All Reviews



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