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An Overview Of Rodents In Colorado

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You don't have to live in the Centennial State for long before you come in contact with one or more of the abundant rodents that also call this great state their home. Some are happy to stay out in nature and don't bother humans too much while others make it a habit to get into homes and businesses and cause all sorts of problems. Let’s take a look at some of the most common rodents you will find here in Colorado.

vole and other rodents outside a colorado home


At only 2.5 to 5 inches long, these furry little critters with their perky ears and long thin tails can quickly become a large issue if they make your home their home. In just 18 days, a female mouse can produce a litter of 5 or 6 babies, and can have 12 or more litters in one year. Considering about half of those babies will be female, one mouse can become hundreds in a relatively short period of time. Not only do they leave droppings and urine wherever they travel, they pose a health threat by spreading diseases, harmful bacteria, and parasites. 

Wood Rats

These rats are usually referred to as ‘pack rats’ due to their habit of collecting a variety of materials and objects to create their nests. These are the most common type of rat in Colorado.

 The nest of the wood rat typically has several "rooms" and can be identified because it is made from many different natural and man-made items, especially if they are shiny. Like mice and other rodents, these disease and parasite-carrying animals can be very destructive, chewing through drywall, insulation, wires, and even pipes.


The porcupine's Latin name means "quill pig," and for good reason. These are the prickliest of rodents with a coat of needle-sharp quills on their back, sides, and tail mixed in with their otherwise soft hair. Normally a porcupine's quills will lie flat, unless the animal is threatened. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines cannot actually "shoot" their quills, but they do detach easily when touched.


These cute little flat-tailed, dam-building rodents live in large family groups of monogamous parents, young kits, and siblings from the year before. Beavers are among the largest rodents on earth; and, like all rodents, they come equipped with teeth that never stop growing. They are constantly chewing, wearing their teeth down on trees and logs to build their homes. Beavers will usually build two dens inside their lodges, one for drying off, and the second where the family will live and socialize.


If these tunneling rodents make their way into your yard, you could be in for some significant damage. voles, also called field mice or meadow mice, are active year round; and, although not directly dangerous to humans, they can spread diseases with their feces and carry parasites into your home if they make their way inside. They also cause damage to fruit trees, plants, and crops in warm months, but they tend to cause even more damage in the winter time when their burrowing activity is hidden underneath a covering of snow.

These furry little vegetarians dig complex underground tunnel systems using their front legs and long teeth. Though their burrowing aerates the soil, which might be considered a good thing, they are often responsible for ruining gardens, killing trees, and destroying lawns. This is not a creature anyone need in their yard.


These yellow-bellied creatures are actually one of the largest members of the squirrel family and can weigh up to 11 pounds. They live in cold areas of high elevation where they dig elaborate mazes of burrows, sleep half the year, and emit unusual noises. These creatures are known to beg for treats from hikers and can often be seen sprawled on a boulder in summer basking in the sunshine. When they get into a yard, their burrowing can cause damage to foundations and the support structures of decks and porches.


These small to medium rodents sometimes become a nuisance pest when they squeeze their way into wall voids or attic spaces. Squirrels in Colorado have slender bodies with bushy tails and are grey, brown, or red. While fun to watch outside, they can be a problem if they dig up gardens or flower beds to bury their winter store of food and if they get into your home. They are known to bite if they are threatened or cornered, and they can introduce parasites into a home, spread diseases, and destroy insulation.

How to get rid of rodents in Colorado

If you need help eradicating rodents on your property or inside your home or business, the NoCo wildlife control specialists here at EnviroPest will be happy to answer any questions and get you started today.


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