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Spring Pest Prevention Tips For Colorado Homeowners

It looks like the weather in Colorado is going to take a turn for the better. Although after our recent spring snowstorm, it’s hard to say for sure! There is one thing that our Loveland pest control professionals would like to share in regards to the warm weather. Increased temperatures mean more insects and when there is an abundance of insects around your home and property, you may start to notice spiders.

a house spider in colorado springs

There are many different types of spiders in Colorado including common house spiders and even the more dangerous black widow spiders. While spiders do not bite humans instinctively, if they feel threatened or are handled, they can bite. Some spider bites cause an irritation of the skin and especially from the black widow; there may be a more severe reaction to the spider bite.

In order to steer clear of spiders in Colorado this spring, here are a few spider prevention tips from the CO pest control professionals at EnviroPest:

  • Remove clutter from storage spaces to help prevent spider harborages.
  • Keep your belongings stored in totes with lids so that spiders cannot get inside.
  • Before putting on shoes or clothes that have been sitting in storage for a long time, give them a shake to make sure there are no spiders.
  • Remove spider webs when you see them around the home.
  • Trim back bushes and shrubs so they do not touch the side of the home.
  • Replace window screens that are torn.

In addition to these spider prevention tips, we also recommend EnviroPest’s home pest control services to reduce insect populations on the property, which will in turn reduce the spider populations. To learn more about spider control and pest control services in Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley and surrounding areas in Northern Colorado, give us a call today!

enviropest customer from berthoud co


‟The people at Enviropest are responsive to our needs and keep working the problem until it is fixed. We used to have a big mouse problem, but not any more!”
Michael H.
Berthoud, CO
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