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Do I Have Mice In The Attic?

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Mice are a hot topic for Colorado homeowners, especially during the fall and winter months when these small rodents just won’t quit trying to get inside to escape the cold. It’s not uncommon to find mice in the crawl space, mice in the garage, or even slipping inside through the ductwork. You know what’s another common place to find mice? The attic.

While the attic isn’t exactly next door to the kitchen, it offers an abundance of hiding and nesting spots and with a little maneuvering through walls voids, mice can easily get to a food source on a lower level. If you’re worried that a mouse (or several) has taken up residence in your attic but aren’t exactly sure, keep reading! In this article, we’ll identify the signs that indicate a mouse problem in the attic, explain how they got there in the first place, and how to address a mouse infestation in the attic.

a mouse in the attic

Signs you may have mice in the attic

  • Mouse droppings
    One of the most obvious signs of a mouse infestation is the presence of droppings. Mice leave small, pellet-like feces scattered around their nesting areas, including in the attic insulation.
  • Nests or nesting material
    Mice use a variety of materials to build nests, including paper, insulation, and fabric. Discovering a nest or shredded materials in your attic is a clear sign of a mouse infestation.
  • Chewed items
    Mice are notorious chewers. If you notice gnaw marks on electrical wiring, cardboard boxes, or other items, it's a strong indication that mice have made themselves at home.
  • Noises coming from the ceiling or attic
    Mice are most active during the night. If you hear scratching, scurrying, or squeaking sounds coming from your attic when the family has gone to bed and the house is quiet, there's a good chance that mice are present.

How mice get into the attic

Mice are opportunistic pests and will take advantage of any opening to get inside. Often times, entry points are on the ground level but these critters can climb, inside or outside. With that in mind, here are few ways a mouse and its friends could enter your home:

  • Cracks and holes in the foundation
  • Gaps under the garage door
  • Gaps around windows and doors
  • Openings around pipes and other utility entrances
  • Loose or missing siding
  • Unprotected ductwork and vents
  • Holes along the roofline
  • Uncapped chimneys

Once they’re inside, they can easily navigate their way through wall voids, drop ceilings, and even climb up sheetrock and wood beams. And from the outside, they may scale the side of your home or use a nearby tree whose limbs just happen to act as a bridge to the roof.

How to prevent mice from taking over your attic

To keep mice (and other pests) out of your attic, you’ll want to first eliminate any potential food sources. Although you probably don’t intentionally store food in your attic, that doesn’t mean mice won’t find something edible. For example, candy canes, dough ornaments, and garland made from dried oranges, popcorn, and cranberries are often stored in the attic with other holiday décor and mice will eat insects that hang out up there too. Don’t forget to eliminate potential food sources in other parts of your house such as open bags of seed in the garage or crumbs on the pantry floor.

Another crucial step in your mouse-deterring efforts is to seal up every opening that could be used as an entry point. A mouse can squeeze through cracks, gaps, and openings that are one-fourth of an inch or larger. In other words, if you spot a gap that is about the width of a pencil, it will need to be addressed. You should also:

  • Install a chimney cap
  • Cover vents with durable mesh that allows air to flow but stops mice from entering
  • Replace roof shingles and siding
  • Repair holes
  • Seal your garage door using weatherstripping and caulk

Is it OK to leave mice in the attic?

Absolutely not. Not only are mice wreakers of havoc, causing damage to home and belongings, but they also contaminate spaces with their urine, feces, and even saliva and may transmit or expose occupants of the home to illness. Plus, they are prolific breeders, and it doesn’t take long to have a large infestation on your hands.

How to get rid of mice in the attic

If you’re a homeowner in Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, or Northern Colorado, contact EnviroPest if you’ve discovered mice in the attic or elsewhere in your home. Since 1965, our Colorado pest control company has been helping property owners exterminate mice. In fact, our home pest control services are the ideal solution if you want ongoing protection against rodents and other house-infesting pests and even 24/7 digital rodent monitoring.

Colorado's Choice SMART Service

What's included:
  • Year-Round Pest Protection
  • 4 Seasonal Services
  • Covers 30+ Pests
  • Free Re-Treat Service
  • Rodent Control
  • 24/7 Digital Rodent Monitoring
**initial fees may apply

When you partner with EnviroPest, you can rely on our team of highly trained and fully licensed pest control pros to take care of mice that have infested your attic and home!

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‟Enviropest came to my rescue the next business day after I called and took care of my ant problem lickety-split. They are now on my speed dial.”
Linda P.
Fort Morgan, CO
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