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The 5 Most Common Spring Pests In Colorado

Springtime in Colorado can’t be beat. As the weather warms, you see more people outside, more dogs in the park, and more bugs in your yard and home. Colorado’s five most common spring pests can put a damper on your day. Which pests are you most likely to see in and around your Colorado home?

ants crawling over food inside denver home
  • Spiders - You should be seeing all kinds of spiders by now. Colorado is home to daddy long legs, black widows, grass spiders, sac spiders, and the wolf spiders, to name a few. Spiders will keep other pests in your home under control, but no one wants a spider crawling across their floor or in their clothes that may be lying on the floor. Some spiders are venomous and others are not, but you should never take your chances.

  • Wasps - Wasps are looking for a place to colonize, and if you have eaves, cracks in your siding, or any other openings around your home, wasps can move in and become a serious problem. Wasps colonize every spring, and it takes only one fertile female to get the process going. Wasps are both aggressive and dangerous. Wasps will protect the nest, forage in garbage, and build grand nests that become difficult to control.

  • Mosquitoes - We all knows these nuisances. Mosquitoes can quickly ruin any outdoor gathering. Female mosquitoes bite their hosts so they can gather nutrients for their eggs. Unfortunately for you, that means painful, itchy welts and the risk for a mosquito-borne illness such as Zika virus or West Nile virus.

  • Ants - Ants are another spring pest that cause pain and discomfort. They can also quickly ruin any outdoor gathering. In fact, if your home isn’t treated for pests, ants can ruin an indoor party, as well. Common ants in Colorado are the carpenter ant, sugar ant, and pavement ant. Ants are known for contaminating food sources; and some, like the pharaoh ant, can even spread disease.

  • Roaches - Now that it is warming up, one insect you will start to see emerging are roaches. Colorado is home to American cockroaches, German cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. Cockroaches spread disease as they scatter across your home, and they also leave a funky smell. The cockroach smell comes from a special pheromone roaches emit to attract others to your home. Yes, that’s right. Roaches love your home so much that they want all their friends to join them there.

Don’t let common spring pests in Colorado ruin your excitement about the season. Take steps to prevent bugs in and around your home. Providing pest control in Denver, Colorado Springs, Boulder, and NoCo, calling EnviroPest is the first step to enjoying spring without bugs and other pests in your home.


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