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What Parents Need To Know About Bed Bugs In Colorado Schools

All the kids are back in school, and that comes with added responsibilities like car pooling in the mornings, rides to extra curricular obligations, homework at the kitchen table, recitals, plays, and more. It also comes with added concerns that must be addressed. One of these should definitely be bed bugs.

 In our service area of Northern Colorado, covering Fort Collins to Sterling and down to Longmont , we're seeing bed bug infestations popping up more and more. When they do, they can cause trauma for an entire family. And back to school activity is one way bed bugs can try to get into your Colorado home.

little girl going home from school in colorado

4 Ways Bed Bugs Get In During The School Year

  • These hitchhiking bugs can crawl from one student to the next, and all it takes is one bug to start an infestation in a home.
  • Bed bugs lay eggs on items. These eggs don't require the female bed bug in order to hatch. When eggs are deposited in school bags, book bindings, and other items that are passed around, they can find their way into your home.
  • Sleepovers are fun, but they are also a prime way for bed bugs and bed bug eggs to come home with your kids.
  • Late night study time. Immature bed bugs can come out early. They can even come out in the middle of the day, if it is dark enough where they are infesting.

There are many more ways, but these four demonstrate what you need to know most about these hitchhiking bugs. Here are a few ways you can guard against an infestation:

  • Washing clothing on the hottest temperature will kill bed bugs in all stages of development, even eggs.
  • Know what bed bugs look like. They are about 1mm in size and are pale white. They can be found in seams of items and also stuck to fabrics.
  • Know what baby bed bugs look like. Immature nymphs don't look like the bed bugs you've probably seen on the news. They are pale, transparent, and have six legs. When they feed, they become bright red with blood. If you see a bright red bug feeding on your arm, it is important that you determine whether or not it is a bed bug.

If bed bugs ever infest your home, there is one more thing you should know: Enviropest, a leader in the Colorado pest control industry, knows how to effectively get rid of bed bug infestations . When bed bugs appear, reach out to us for immediate assistance and fast relief.

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Fort Collins, CO
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