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Fall Pest Prevention Tips For Colorado Springs Homeowners

Ready or not, they’re coming! With daily high temperatures decreasing this month, it won’t be long before fall pests are on the move in Colorado Springs, Denver, and NoCo. If you’ve not got your home sealed up and your yard in order, you might end up sharing your space with uninvited guests over the winter. With that in mind, let’s talk about pest prevention, also known as pest-proofing.

cockroach crawling on floor inside Colorado Springs home

Common fall pests in Colorado

While there are lots of insects and a couple of rodents to be wary of during the autumn season, below are three common pest problems homeowners in our region should be aware of.

Fall pest prevention tips from EnviroPest

If you want to enjoy the fall season without worrying about insects and rodents crawling around your home and property, check out the pest prevention tips:

  • Seal ALL cracks, gaps, and openings on the exterior
  • Install weather-stripping & door sweeps
  • Keep garage doors closed when not in use
  • Repair or replace torn window screens
  • Clean gutters so that water runs unobstructed and also make sure the downspouts divert water away from the foundation
  • Repair anything that is leaking -whether that’s pipes, exterior faucets, or appliances
  • Store summer toys, gear, and equipment
  • Remove leaves, twigs, and other organic debris
  • Haul away broken lawn mowers, old appliances, and bigger items that don’t fit in the trash
  • Stack firewood at least 20 feet away from the house and up off the ground
  • Trim back tree limbs that touch the roof or other parts of your house

Don’t forget about the inside of your house this fall either. You’ll want to make it inhospitable for pests looking for food, water, and warm shelter. That means keeping your kitchen neat and tidy, running dehumidifiers to eliminate moisture issues, keeping storage closets organized, and being mindful of what you’re bringing inside. While insects and rodents will crawl through the front door or slip through a hole in the foundation, they are also often introduced inside items such as cardboard boxes, groceries, and even used furniture.

EnviroPest is here to help with year-round home pest control services

At EnviroPest, we offer comprehensive home pest control services in Colorado Springs as well as in the Denver metro, Boulder, and Northern Colorado. If you’re looking for experienced pest control specialists that not only exterminate bugs and rodents but keep them from coming back, we’re the pest control team to call! Check out our home pest control plan features below or for more info, complete the form at the bottom of the website or reach out via phone today!

colorado's choice complete home pest control

Colorado's Choice Smart Service 

Our Colorado's Choice Smart Service is the most comprehensive home pest control plan EnviroPest targets 30+ pests and includes four seasonal visits and 24/7 digital rodent monitoring. 

Pests covered under the Colorado's Choice Smart Service includes:

  • Ants (Carpenter ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, sugar ants)
  • Beetles
  • Centipedes
  • Earwigs
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Spiders (House spiders, rock spiders, wolf spiders, black widow spiders)
  • Wasps (Baldfaced hornets, paper wasps, yellow jackets)
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‟Excellent service. Have not had any problems since we started their service over 10 years ago!”
Marianne L.
Greeley, CO
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