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Why Stinging Insects In Denver Are More Active In August

You’ve probably noticed yellow jackets and other wasps out and about all summer long and while they are stinging insects capable of being a serious problem, they’ve probably left you alone if you’ve kept your distance. Unfortunately, as the end of summer approaches, you’ll likely notice stinging insect activity increase and even become a problem as you spend time outdoors or enjoy a BBQ with your friends and family. In today’s post, we’ll offer an explanation for the change in behavior, how it affects Denver and Colorado residents, and how to keep encounters with wasps, hornets, and other stinging pests to a minimum.

yellow jacket inside a colorado home kitchen

An overview of stinging insect activity in Denver

From the second they emerge in the spring until late summer, yellow jackets, paper wasps, baldfaced hornets, and other social stinging insects are focused on raising and feeding their young. It’s not until late summer rolls around that the workers that have been so busy caring for the colony shift gears and start seeking out yummy treats that appeal to their own palates. Since their natural food sources start to run out at about the same time, stinging insects must forage for sustenance and that’s when they start crashing our parties in search of food – the sweeter the better.

Health risks associated with wasps and other stinging insects in Denver

If you’ve ever been stung by a wasp or a bee, you know it’s uncomfortable at best; it can also have potential life-threatening results including anaphylaxis. To avoid being stung (in some cases multiple times), it is best to avoid encounters with any stinging insect and to steer clear of nests as well.

Common nesting sites

Depending on the species, stinging insects will nest in the ground, up in trees, in shrubs, on homes and buildings, under porches, and even in electrical boxes and HVAC equipment. They may establish nests indoors too.

Stinging insects take advantage of any opening on the outside of structures. A gap around a window, an opening near a vent, or a hole in the roof are all ways stinging insects can get inside but certainly not the only avenues of entry. Common nesting sites include, but are not limited to attics, wall voids, and drop ceilings. Once inside, it’s possible you’ll find the nest right near the entry point but it could also be further into the dwelling.  

How to prevent stinging insect activity in or around your home

While it’s difficult to completely prevent stinging insects from dropping by, you can make your property less appealing. To that end, we recommend the following stinging insect prevention tips:

  • Pick up ripe or rotten fruit that has dropped to the ground
  • Repair gaps or holes on the outside of your home or outbuildings including ones around vents and utility entrances
  • Keep windows closed or covered with screens
  • Do not leave your garage doors open
  • Store trash in outdoor receptacles that have tight-fitting lids
  • Don’t leave pet food outdoors between meals

If you have plans for a get-together by the pool, on the deck, or in your backyard, take proper precautions to keep sugar-seeking stinging insects away. That simply means keeping soda, lemonade, and adult beverages covered and not allowing food to sit out for long. You should also clean up spills and dropped crumbs as you find them and take a few minutes after your party to deep clean the area.

What to do if you find wasps or a nest close to your home and/or family

If you discover a wasp nest on or in your home or in a location that is too close to where your family spends time, you should contact a pest control company. Without the proper training and equipment, it is not wise to remove a nest on your own.

How Enviropest gets rid of wasps, hornets & other stinging insects in Denver

For help removing stinging insects that have established nests on your property, contact EnviroPest today! Offering effective pest control services in Denver, Englewood, and Colorado Springs as well as Northern Colorado, our locally operated team has the knowledge, equipment, and experience to remove yellow jackets, paper wasps, and other stinging pests (and their nests) from homes.

In fact, when you sign up for Colorado’s Choice Smart Service, our year-round home pest control plan, we’ll not only take care of stinging insects, we’ll protect your property from ants, mice, spiders, and other pests. No matter the season, you can count on our team to keep nuisance and potentially harmful or destructive insects and rodents out!


colorado's choice complete home pest control

Colorado's Choice Smart Service 

Our Colorado's Choice Smart Service is the most comprehensive home pest control plan EnviroPest targets 30+ pests and includes four seasonal visits and 24/7 digital rodent monitoring. 

Pests covered under the Colorado's Choice Smart Service includes:

  • Ants (Carpenter ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, sugar ants)
  • Beetles
  • Centipedes
  • Earwigs
  • Mice
  • Rats
  • Spiders (House spiders, rock spiders, wolf spiders, black widow spiders)
  • Wasps (Baldfaced hornets, paper wasps, yellow jackets)
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Milliken, CO
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