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Voles In Colorado: Nuisance Or Destructive Pest?

Voles are an often-unseen critter that can cause a lot of damage. Sometimes seeing a vole above ground is a great selfie opportunity with the cute creatures, but they have a dark side that you won’t want to share online. What damage can a little vole cause? Well, quite a bit, and they can do it all without you even glancing a peek at them while they damage your home.

vole in colorado

What is a Vole?

 A vole is a small rodent that is the size of a mouse. While moles and voles are related, voles look slightly different. You may know a vole by another name: field mouse or meadow mouse. A vole can be the length of a Post-It note, about 3 inches, or as long as a pencil. The size includes their body and tail.

There are a handful of differences between voles and regular house mice. A vole is shorter, it has a round head, and its tail is not as long as its cousin’s. The vole has smaller, round ears too.

Voles live in burrows underground like their subversive relatives, the ground squirrel and moles. No, moles and voles are not the same.

Where Voles Live and Hide

Voles like to burrow. Voles do much of their work underground, but there is no visible tunnel or mound of dirt above ground when they build their tunnels. Voles leave exit holes above the ground, but their tunnels are much deeper than those of gophers and moles.

A vole travels underground to target your plants. Voles feed on greenery, roots, fruits, nuts, and in some cases, other small, dead animals. Because they dig underground without being caught, voles can cause a significant amount of damage to your garden, plants, grass, and shrubs long before you notice. By the time you see the damage caused by voles, it is too late to save the plant or your lawn.

Voles Attract Other Predators

 Voles aren’t the only ones that pose a threat to your home and garden. Many animals eat voles. Voles attract animals like snakes, coyotes, weasels, and cats. These predators are physical risks to you, your home, and your family.

How to Get Rid of Voles

 It’s a mouse, so a cat should do the trick, right? Not quite. Voles are not house mice; they live outside, deep in the ground. Cats cannot reach these areas, and they do very little to deter voles. Voles dig underground and can thrive undisturbed by cats. Many people turn to ineffective DIY methods to prevent or control voles. Those are a waste of time and a waste of your money. They don’t address the nature of the beast. Many times, DIY solutions are just old wives tales and new internet myths that make you feel better about your situation instead of actually achieving anything. While you are applying DIY solutions, voles are thriving underground and multiplying beneath your nose. The only way to prevent and deter voles on your property is to call EnviroPest. EnviroPest rodent solutions include an inspection, proactive measures, removal when necessary, and control. Call now to find out how to prevent voles from damaging your property.

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Milliken, CO
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