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Save Your Home From Ruins With A Termite Control Plan

Termites may be tiny but the damages they cause to homes and businesses can be astronomical. The damages they cause are more expensive to repair than floods, hurricanes, and fires. Every year, termites are responsible for more than $5 billion in damages to properties in the United States alone. Termites gnaw their way through wood with extremely sharp, saw-toothed mouthparts, compromising the structure of your support beams and walls, damaging furniture and cabinetry. If you could put a plan in place to protect your home from damages caused by these destructive pests – wouldn't you want to? The good news is you can.

active termite colony inside a denver, co home

If you are afraid that you may have termites in your home the first thing you want to do is get a certified termite inspection. EnviroPest technicians will be able to tell you whether or not you have an infestation. They'll visit your property and evaluate it. Signs of possible termite infestation include winged termites flying in or near your home, sagging doors or wood that sounds hollow when tapped.

If you do have termites, EnviroPest has a termite control plan to eliminate your existing infestation and prevent them from coming back. We specialize in both the Trelona® ATBS and liquid termite treatments.

  • Trelona® ATBS - the termite control option from BASF features a monitoring and bait system to exterminate your existing termites. EnviroPest technicians will install monitoring systems with bait that worker termites will take back to the colony for the rest of the termites to eat. This process eliminates termites out foraging for food and the colony of pests that are currently hiding in your walls and structure destroying your wood! These stations continue to monitor the situation and our team will apply bait whenever there are signs of termites attempting to re-infest your property.

  • Liquid termite control – the other termite control option available through Enviropest involves a liquid termiticide applied under the ground around the home. Foraging termites will bring some of the material back to the colony and eliminate the termites.

Our knowledgeable staff will help you decide which termite treatment plan is right for your unique situation and help you eliminate the problem. Call us if you'd like to have a termite inspection or get started with a termite treatment plan to get rid of the pests putting your property at risk.

milliken co pest control review


‟I have been using EnviroPest’s services for 3 houses. Every technician is friendly, knowledgeable and personable. It feels like they are personally invested in your home. I always receive top notch service.”
Kristine B.
Milliken, CO
EnviroPest received an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars from 2439 reviews. 4.6 Read All Reviews



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